Pastor Marshall Fant family (Oct 2011)
Pastor Marshall Fant, his wife Gretchen, and their daughter Abby arrived on October 21st. The spent a week with us, primarily ministering in a weekend Family Conference for our Goierri congregation. It was the first conference of this kind for us and our believers drank it up! At our Friday Fellowship Mr. & Mrs. taught separate sessions. On Saturday Bro. Marshall spoke to our regional youth meeting at the Aierdi farmhouse. Then on Sunday morning there was another split session and two final preaching sessions. Abby accompanied for our congregational hymns on the piano and played a beautiful offertory.
We missionary familes also spent time with the Fants at the farmhouse during the first part of the week, as they helped by sanding and staining the new cupboards.
In the picture they are with the Wilkins, whom their church supports.
Thank you, Bro. Marhall and ladies!
We missionary familes also spent time with the Fants at the farmhouse during the first part of the week, as they helped by sanding and staining the new cupboards.
In the picture they are with the Wilkins, whom their church supports.
Thank you, Bro. Marhall and ladies!
Berean adult mission team (Sep/Oct 2011)
Associate pastor Rob Stroup, from Berean BC in Lilburn, GA, came with a wonderful group of 10 adults, to invest time and energy in the ministries in our corner of the Basque country. The six days they were here were filled with a variety of activities, including tract distribution on the streets of the target city of Tolosa, preaching and music in the IBEV Baptist church in Beasain, and manual labor at the Aierdi farmhouse. Among the jobs done at Aierdi were the pouring of a concrete pad for the warehouse and a beautiful wooden cabinet built buy Chuck Clute and his helpers. As so many teams are, this one was a huge blessing and encouragement to our people, and will be remembered for a long time. Their eagerness to serve in and out of the church ministries was a continuation of the spirit our believers have come to expect from those who visit us from the States.
Thanks Rob, Sue Ellen, Chuck, Elizabeth, Mitch, Fannie, David, Jennifer, Charles, Hal, and Morris!
Thanks Rob, Sue Ellen, Chuck, Elizabeth, Mitch, Fannie, David, Jennifer, Charles, Hal, and Morris!
Berean youth mission team (July 2011)
Pastor Joe Bowker, from Berean Baptist Church in Macon, GA, came with six church young people to spend eight days with us. They helped in the Beasain church with preaching and special music on the weekend. At the farmhouse they worked primarily on landscaping and preparing firewood for the winter. They also were involved in tract distribution, and in one case, covered an entire tiny town up on the mountain! On the sightseeing day they were able to coincide with some beautiful wave activity at the coastal capital of San Sebastian. They gave our believers another opportunity to meet other Christians who love the same Lord and live for Him faithfully.
Thanks bro. Joe, Caleb, Nick, Hunter, Jake, Leslie, and Taylor!
Thanks bro. Joe, Caleb, Nick, Hunter, Jake, Leslie, and Taylor!
Westside BC mission team (May 2011)
Pastor Greg Wright, from Westside Baptist Church in St. Greorge, UT, came with five others from his church to spend a week investing in our ministries. They helped in the Goierri church plant with preaching and singing during the weekend services. At the farmhouse they worked on the water tank base and various other projects. They were a blessing to our believers and left behind a great testimony of Christian love and faithfulness.
Thanks bro. Greg, Mary Ellen, Caleb, Tug, Angela, and Zach!
Thanks bro. Greg, Mary Ellen, Caleb, Tug, Angela, and Zach!
Jim & Carmen Goodwin (April 2011)
Jim & Carmen, from Berean Baptist Church, arrived on April 3rd. On their previous trip in the Spring of 2010 Jim had heard Andy mention his dream of some day having a water wheel at Aierdi. He went home determined to make that dream come true, and over the next six months, gave a lot of time to the project. He ended up designing this water wheel from scratch and making it out of cedar. The Clutes, who arrived a week earlier, brought the wheel in pieces, in a suitcase!
We faced some challenges as we tried to decide on and prepare just the right place for it. But finally, after a few days of dedicated work, the water wheel is now in the perfect spot, spinning smoothly and beautifully as the water from the mountain spring shoots onto its paddles.
Thanks Jim and Carmen!
We faced some challenges as we tried to decide on and prepare just the right place for it. But finally, after a few days of dedicated work, the water wheel is now in the perfect spot, spinning smoothly and beautifully as the water from the mountain spring shoots onto its paddles.
Thanks Jim and Carmen!
Chuck & Elizabeth Clute and Rob & Suellen Stroup (March, 2011)
The Clutes and Stroups are friends from Berean Baptist Church (Lilburn, GA) who arrived on Friday, March 25th, and stayed for a week. Their first priority was building and installing the vertical decorative covers for the posts in the dining room. Chuck is the master with woodwork and made sure each one was finished meticulously. They are beautiful! The team (with Randy's help too) also covered the connecting beams that you can see in the picture. The ladies (including our missionary team ladies) helped in the sanding and staining. Chuck also made two pulpits, one for the farmhouse ministry and the other for the Wilkins' Tolosa church plant. Rob preached twice in the Beasain church and Elizabeth and Suellen brought vocal and instrumental music specials.
Thank you all for your investment in God's farmhouse!
Thank you all for your investment in God's farmhouse!