Refreshing days of missionary fellowship--May 25, 2007

Pastor Danny Sweatt, from Berean Baptist Church, in Lilburn, GA, came with his wife and seven other members, to minister in our first Aierdi Missionary Fellowship. Several missionary families from norther Spain, and a family from southern France came together for a few days of spiritual refreshment. Pastor Sweatt challenged us daily from Second Peter 1.
Everyone on the Berean team jumped in to help make it possible for even the missionary wives to enjoy all the services. Some helped with the meals & cleanup while others applied their construction skills to continuing the never-ending development of the farmhouse facilities.
Everyone on the Berean team jumped in to help make it possible for even the missionary wives to enjoy all the services. Some helped with the meals & cleanup while others applied their construction skills to continuing the never-ending development of the farmhouse facilities.